Why I Photograph - A Bit About Me

photograph of a young girl with her head on her hands with her hair blowing against a dark background

I was raised by a mom who has always know the importance of keeping records. That desire to preserve and keep records must have rubbed off on me, because I have found visually documenting life very important!

People Are Important

Every person I have ever photographed is completely uniquely themselves. They are incredibly beautiful exactly the way they are. That is something that is really amazing! The uniqueness goes beyond just freckles or blue eyes. It’s their mannerisms or the way they hold their mouth. It’s the way they throw their head back and laugh. Those subtle outward expressions provide a record of each individual’s personality. It’s those little things that I love capturing and holding onto in a photograph. 

Memories Matter

In the last few years I have had some people pass away who are very important to me. I am so grateful that I have photos to hold and remember them. A photo can teleport you to a different time and fill your mind with fond memories. Photos of my grandparents dot our home and I am able to talk to my kids about who they were, what they taught me, and where they came from. I am passing along those stories to my children and keeping the memories of my loved ones alive.

My hope is to provide beautiful photos for your family that will be cherished now and also in the future. Photographs only increase in value and I promise will take you right back to that special time when your children were littler.

black and white photograph of a young girl with her hair blowing and her resting her head on her hand against a dark background

What People Are Saying


A Few Things to Consider to Get Great Results at your Photoshoot