How to Prepare your Kids for a Photo Session

The day of a photoshoot can be a little stressful and hectic for parents, but here a few tips that can help make the process easier for both you, me and especially your kids!

Full tummies

First off, I know I am more agreeable when I have had a snack. Before your kids come to the studio, be sure to have fed them so they have full, happy tummies. It’s also a good idea to bring a few not too messy or staining snacks along with you!

boy and girl siblings laying on a bed smiling
five siblings sitting on a bed tickling each other having fun
a close up photograph of a young boy smiling wearing a green shirt against a white background

Clean faces 

We don’t want any crumbs or boogers on our faces when you are getting pictures taken! Clean faces are the best! I usually have wipes with me for just this purpose, but there are also bathrooms down the hall for a quick clean for you to use!

Relaxed parents

Our kids can totally pick up on how we are feeling. If there is too much stress before pictures, kids will be more likely to be more uptight about pictures. I like to have fun in the studio and let kids be kids. That means silly faces and dancing! Don’t over stress! Come to the studio, relax, and let me handle the kids!


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